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Dixons McMillan Academy

The academy will be closed to all staff and students on Friday 14 February for the Dixons Academies Trust annual conference. We will reopen to all staff and students at the normal time after the February half term break on Monday 24 February 2025



The academy is currently full in each year group. Parents can apply for their child to join the waiting list; details of how to do this can be found on the Admissions page under the heading In-Year admissions.

Before you can make an appeal, you must first have applied to the academy for a place and have completed a recent In-Year Application Form for the local authority. Once you have received a letter advising you that a place cannot be offered, you can then proceed to make an appeal for the academy if you wish to.

The academy can only proceed to the appeals stage if the year group is full. Places are not ‘reserved’ for those whose appeals are upheld, so any upheld appeal will result in the year group being over the admission number.

Before making an appeal, please read the appeals procedures and appeals FAQ documents, which can be found in the downloads section below.

To submit an appeal, please complete the in year appeals form here.

If you are unable to complete the form please telephone the number given below and ask to speak to the Appeals Coordinator. 

Contact details:

Telephone: 01274 089780 – option 7

Appeals FAQ Secondary In Year (PDF)
Appeals Procedure 2025 (PDF)