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Dixons McMillan Academy

Our academy is now closed for the summer break. We look forward to welcoming students back from Monday 2 September. Read More


Here at Dixons McMillan Academy we value outdoor education and believe every student should have the opportunity to experience learning outside of the classroom. Outdoor education is vital for life experiences and building true resilience and determination. We look to incorporate a range of team building and outdoor adventurous activities to ensure all students participate in a wide range of activities to build character and confidence.

In Year 7, students get the opportunity to visit a PGL site at Winmarleigh Hall with their advisor and peers. This is an excellent way for newfound friendships to flourish and for students to develop new friendships. Students face a range of tasks and thrill seeking activities such as a giant swing, kayaking, climbing and archery. Students even work together build a buggy to race around a track and a raft to voyage across a lake.

In Year 9, students visit Ullswater in the Lake District with Outward Bound. The site is set in 18 acres of woodland at the heart of Wordsworth country, which is based right on the north shore of the lake. Students will get the opportunity to canoe the lake, and even depart on an expedition to climb Helvellyn which is one of The Lake District's highest peaks.

Finally, to end their DMA experience Year 11 visit Kingswood, Dearne Valley. This residential is a two night stay where students take part in a range of high outdoor adventurous activities. To ensure Year 11 are exam ready we also link in various revision master classes to prepare students for their upcoming GCSE exams. This residential is an excellent way to let off some steam but also show how learning is done at a higher level with a range of lectures and seminars to boost previous CORE knowledge.

Students in Year 8 and 10 will partake in educational day visits within different subject areas to help widen subject knowledge. This will include University visits, attending educational conferences, Geography and Historic field visits and a range of sporting opportunities throughout the year.

The Duke of Edinburgh Award is available to all Year 9 students giving them an opportunity to be part of an exciting expedition that will support College and University applications. Students will partake in an hour lesson each week to assist with the completion of the award, then attend a 2 day self-sufficient expedition where the students will navigate their own way from a start to an end point. We are currently running the Bronze and Siler Awards that are a nationally recognised qualification which develops students’ confidence and encourages them to give something back to the community through the volunteering element of the award.

Families will always be given reasonable advance notice of visits and will be informed which visits are compulsory and which are optional. As part of the academy life and the National Curriculum, all students must take part in and experience a variety of outdoor activities.