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Pastoral structure
Your child's advisor is the first point of contact regarding any issues that your child might have whilst at Dixons McMillan, along with the person to contact for updates about the behaviour or progress. Please see below for a directory of which members of staff are part of which year group teams for 2024-25.
Year 7 (Class of 2031) & Year 8 (Class of 2030)
Senior Head of Year: Mrs C Swain (CSw)
SLT Links: Mr P Murray (PMu) & Mr D Gilderoy (DGi)
KS3 Pastoral Pioneer: Miss K Wooler (KWo)
Associate Pastoral Lead: Mr T Shah (TSh)
Associate Staff Links: Miss L Jowett (LJo), Miss C Exley (CEx), Miss N North (NNo)
7A | Miss A Irving | AIr |
7B | Mr H Ali | HAl |
7W | Mrs S Mahmood | SBe |
7X | Mr A Bukhari | ABk |
7Y | Mrs B Ahmed | BAh |
8A | Mr M Hussain | MHu |
8B | Mr P Conboy | PCo |
8W | Miss N Laws & Mr J Wilson | NLa / JWi |
8X | Miss Y Rosser | YRo |
8Y | Miss S Haleem | SHl |
Year 9 (Class of 2029)
Head of Year: Miss L Griffin
SLT Link: Mr R Ali
Associate Staff Links: Miss N Shaffi (NSh) & Mr B Cooper (BCo)
9A | Mrs N Hussain | NHu |
9B | Dr J Hern | JHe |
9W | Miss A Khan | ARk |
9X | Mrs S Sharif & Mrs C Thomas | SSh / CTh |
9Y | Mrs L Cavaleiro & Mrs C Thomas | LCa / CTh |
Year 10 (Class of 2028) & Year 11 (Class of 2027)
Senior Head of Year: Miss S Jordon (SJo)
SLT Links: Miss L Gayle (LGa) & Mr A Conlon (ACo)
KS4 Pastoral Pioneer: Miss A Patel (AMm)
Associate Pastoral Lead: Mrs V Cahill (VCa)
Associate Staff Links: Miss F Coelho (FCo) & Mrs P King (PKi)
10A | Mrs S Waheed | SAw |
10B | Mr J Mleczko | JMl |
10W | Mrs R Watkins | RWa |
10X | Mrs K Rehman & Mrs A Bowley | KRe / ABo |
10Y | Miss M Slattery | MSl |
11A | Mr A Sulemana | ASu |
11B | Mrs L Kitson | LKi |
11W | Miss S Nessa | SNe |
11X | Mr C Hellewell | CHe |
11Y | Mrs B Ashruff | BAf |